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Blazing Best WordPress Hosting in Canada

WordPress Hosting refers to any particular form of web hosting that has been specifically optimized to function with the websites made with the help of WordPress. Certain websites that have been built with the help of the WordPress platform can face some functionality-based issues if not used optimized properly. This can basically lead to issues in certain elements loading properly, increased load time or even the website becoming unreachable altogether.

WordPress Hosting is basically a shared, optimized web hosting used for running WordPress sites in particular. This type of hosting is largely and widely preferred by more and more WordPress users owing to its wide spectrum of highlighting characteristics like overall highlighting performance inclusive of security, reliability, effectiveness and a great loading speed amongst others. Using the WordPress platform to build and architect your website is one of the most simplified ways to launch your new business or blog. You have multiple options based on the type of project you plan to launch thus, providing you with a number of WordPress Web Hosting plans to choose from. There are four broad types of WordPress Hosting namely:

Blazing Best Wordpress Hosting is Canada
Dedicated Wordpress server Hosting

Dedicated WordPress Server Hosting

A Dedicated WordPress server hosting is a hosting solution where an entire physical server is exclusively allocated to your single website running on the WordPress platform.

Shared WordPress Hosting

Shared WordPress Hosting

Here multiple users host their individual sites on the same server which is being administered by the hosting provider. It is comparatively a cheap WordPress hosting option as compared to the others.

VPS WordPress Hosting

VPS WordPress Hosting

Here, more privileges are offered to the users by allowing them to run multiple WordPress sites and make more profits in addition to being a much faster, stable and advanced method.

Managed WordPress Hosting

Managed WordPress Hosting

Here, the hosting provider takes care of the entire management of all the technical aspects like the site backup, server activation, continuous optimization, monitoring and maintenance and thus in more expensive as compared to the other hosting options available. Managed WordPress Hosting arguably is considered to be the best web hosting for WordPress.

Why Choose WordPress Hosting?

Optimized for High-Performance

Optimized for High-Performance

Several performance degrading factors such as the WordPress configuration, hosting environment, software versions, etc. can degrade or affect the overall performance of your WordPress website or blog. Whether you have a high traffic WordPress or a small, shared hosting blog, it is very important to optimize your account and the server to avoid such situations.

Backup Solutions

Backup Solutions

Backups can be the biggest relief in case of unforeseen dire situations like accidently signing out of your site or a case of hacking where you might lose all your data. There are a number of free and paid WordPress backup plugins available in WordPress Hosting Canada and most of them are quite easy to use.

Automatic Updates

Automatic Updates

WordPress 3.7 introduced the feature of automatic updates with the specific purpose of improving the security and the site administration. Broadly there are four typologies of updates in the WordPress automatic updates namely- the Core updates, the Plugin updates, the theme updates and the updates for the Transition Files.

Easy site management

Easy site management

There are numerous WordPress management tools available that make it extremely easy to manage multiple WordPress websites from a solo dashboard which is beneficial as it helps you to install and keep all the WordPress plugins up to date.

Faster sites and better performance

Faster sites and better performance

The popularity and traffic on your website or blog largely depends on the overall loading speed of your website and if it takes long to upload on the user’s systems, it will result in a considerable decrease in the traffic received by your site. But with WordPress Hosting, powered by SSD, your website loads quickly on the viewer’s systems and helps increase your google search rankings and increase the traffic.

One-Click Staging Environments

One-Click Staging Environments

WordPress offers you with a site staging option which can be effectively used to make safe plugin updates and any other alterations before going live.

Features that bring a 5 star
wordpress experience to your plate

Regular core updates

Regular core updates

Stay updated on everything Wordpress. We automise core updates for you, so you get access to everything new and improvised.

Agile security scans

Agile security scans

Bots, spammers, hackers, malware...we keep a track of all of that and nip the evil in its bud, quite literally. You are safe with our Wordpress web hosting.

Scale up with ease

Scale up with ease

Witnessing a sudden gush in of traffic? We support that kind of growth with easy scalability. Claim more resources without a second thought.

99.99% uptime guarantee

99.99% uptime guarantee

We provide you with a 99.99% uptime guarantee which covers the availability of our servers, as well as all network components in all of our data centers.

Super-easy migration

Super-easy migration

Need to migrating your existing Wordpress site to us? That’s possible in a matter of seconds. Just one click, and you are done!

Round the clock support

Round the clock support

You won’t ever be held up because of us, that’s a promise. But just in case you are stuck, our dedicated Wordpress experts come to rescue.

WordPress Preconfigured

WordPress Preconfigured

WordPress being a content management software, the data stored on it must be configured time and again. However, in case of WordPress, you already get a tailor-made pre-configuration ready to use.

Data centre Choice

Data centre Choice

WordPress provides access to multiple data centres across the world, giving the users options to choose from. The centers in the US are comparatively and thus sometimes are more preferred.

24/7 Support

24/7 Support

WordPress offers you a 24/7 support system which helps in the ensuring the continuous backup and effective configuration. Choosing the best web hosting for WordPress can improve your SEO and increase your sales. Host It Smart offers you with cheap WordPress Hosting options available in Canada and you can choose the best Web Hosting option for your WordPress according to your subjective needs.

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WordPress Hosting: Frequently Asked Questions

WordPress is by far the most popular website management system in current use. In technical terms, it is a content management system based on PHP and MySQL and is inclusive of various features like template system, auto updates, a plugin architecture etc. and is mainly associated with blogging but is known for supporting all sorts of web content.

WordPress Hosting can be any type of server hosting that has been configured for hosting WordPress websites. This type of hosting offers great performance and does not require you to be versed with the technical know-how, but it is only for hosting WordPress Website

WordPress Hosting offers multiple highlighting benefits like automatic updates, backup solutions, specific optimization for better performance, comparatively easy site management and an overall better performance.

Managed WordPress Hosting refers to the kind of Hosting plan where the entire management of all technical aspects of the website is taken care of by the hosting provider. This kind of hosting is considered to be the best hosting for WordPress

We offer a 5 - minutes WordPress installer which is quite popular with our users. Log in to your cPanel, locate the Wordpress button, click it and follow the instructions thereafter.