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You will get the best domain prices with us, always. Find worth in every penny that you pay, with unbelievable monthly deals.
As a domain registrar, we ensure that your domains and subdomains are secured and managed properly, all times in a day, all days in a year.
Transferring domain with us is really easy and very reliable. We keep you away from domain transfer nightmares, like nobody else.
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The process of Domain Transfer basically refers to the changing of the designated registrar of a particular domain name. Though it must be noted that the domain names can be changed or transferred only if they have been registered with the previous registrar for at least 60 days or more. The Information stored in the previous registrar will now be stored in the new one.
Firstly, you need to verify whether your domain is eligible for transfer. According to the ICANN rules, you are eligible for a transfer of domain only if you have been registered with your previous registrar for 60 days or more than that. Secondly, prepare your own domain for transfer. You need to unlock your domain and remove the registrar locks placed for security. Obtain the EEP code from the current domain registrar, Submit your transfer on a registering platform. Post the procedure, the domain should ideally be transferred within a few days to a week.
You can transfer your name from GoDaddy to some other registrar if you wish to. You firstly need access to the administrative email address which is listed on your domain name. You need to unlock your domain name and get the authorization code from your earlier registrar. Ideally, your domain name should be transferred within a week or two.
Yes, you can definitely change your domain name. Firstly, you need to verify whether your domain is eligible for transfer. According to the ICANN rules, you are eligible for a transfer of domain only if you have been registered with your previous registrar for 60 days or more than that. Secondly, prepare your own domain for transfer. You need to unlock your domain and remove the registrar locks placed for security. Obtain the EEP code from the current domain registrar, Submit your transfer on a registering platform. Post the procedure, the domain should ideally be transferred within a few days to a week.
Most domain transfers take between five and seven days to complete, after your current registrar has approved the transfer. The time also depends on the extension.