Hide information like name, email address and phone number after domain purchase. Stay invisible to spammers and irritating telecallers
Immediately after you purchase a domain, its purchase details are published on the web, according to WHOIS standards. So anyone that wants to know anything about the said domain name, gets all the information that they want, including your name, your email address and your phone number. Now, these are sensitive bits of information that are better kept hidden from the cyberspace.
Immediately after you purchase a domain, its purchase details are published on the web, according to WHOIS standards. So anyone that wants to know anything about the said domain name, gets all the information that they want, including your name, your email address and your phone number. Now, these are sensitive bits of information that are better kept hidden from the cyberspace.
Domain privacy is super-important. It hides your information from WHOIS, so no one knows your contact information. As a result, you don’t get unwanted marketing calls, no one contacts you to ug you for domain selling and exchanges. Most importantly, spammers are kept miles away.
Yes. Domain privacy comes at a minimal additional cost. Every bit of that extra cost is absolutely worth it, given, your domain registration information stays completely private.